When Do BOTOX® Injections Begin to Take Effect?

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With the rising popularity of Zoom, FaceTime, and similar technologies, we can all agree that our faces are more on display now than ever before. This means more men and women are turning to cosmetic procedures to refresh their skin and treat issues like fine lines. The experienced team of dermatologists at Dermatology Center of Dallas is excited to offer neuromodulators, like BOTOX, to smooth out wrinkles and more.

Are you ready to improve your online appearance? Patients can generally expect cosmetic injections to take effect as quickly as 3 – 5 days after treatment. Learn everything you should know about BOTOX by scheduling a skin rejuvenation consultation in Dallas, TX, including what results you can expect and how long they will last.

BOTOX explained

BOTOX is a neurotoxin that has several different applications and uses. It is most known as an anti-aging treatment for dynamic facial lines and creases, although it can also be used to address migraines and other medical issues. Once administered, BOTOX prevents certain muscles from contracting. The relaxing of the muscles results in a smoother skin appearance. Dermatology Center of Dallas can treat the following kinds of wrinkles at our clinic:

  • Crow’s feet

  • Forehead lines

  • Smile or laugh lines

  • Marionette lines

  • Frown lines

How long it takes for BOTOX to work

BOTOX results begin to appear within 3 – 5 days of your appointment. However, this timeline may vary from person to person and may depend on treated areas and the amount of BOTOX required. This means your full outcomes may not be visible until 1 – 2 weeks later. Our specialists can give you a more accurate estimate when you come in for a BOTOX consultation in Dallas, TX.

How long BOTOX lasts

One of the reasons our patients love cosmetic injections is the long-lasting results. In general, our skin rejuvenation treatments can last about 3 – 6 months, which means you only need to attend follow-up sessions a few times a year. Your experienced BOTOX injector can recommend a treatment plan that works with your schedule and allows you to smooth out wrinkles for as long as possible.

Should I take a break between treatments?

Sometimes patients are concerned about continuing BOTOX injections over an extended period. So, should you take breaks in between appointments? Actually, there are many advantages to scheduling consistent BOTOX treatments. BOTOX can slow the progression of dynamic lines since your muscles stay in a relaxed position long-term. Many people also find that they even require smaller quantities of BOTOX over time.

Smooth out wrinkles with BOTOX

Seeing facial wrinkles on Zoom and other video platforms can make us self-conscious about our facial appearance. If you are wondering how BOTOX and other cosmetic injections can give you a refreshed look, the first step is an evaluation with the Dermatology Center of Dallas. Our professionals offer a level of knowledge that helps our patients feel comfortable and confident after each visit. Call us today in Dallas, TX to schedule your skin rejuvenation appointment.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.